- bow ring
- передний шпангоут
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации. — М.: Скорпион-Россия. В.П. Марасанов. 1996.
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации. — М.: Скорпион-Россия. В.П. Марасанов. 1996.
Ring Out Bow Bells! — is a children s historical novel by Cynthia Harnett. It was first published in 1953, and later reprinted as The Drawbridge Gate . It is the story of an apprentice in the time of Henry V, when Dick Whittington was Lord Mayor of London … Wikipedia
Bow draw — Main methods of drawing bows. A bow draw is the method used to draw a bow. Currently, the most common method is the Mediterranean draw, long the usual method in European archery. Other methods include the pinch draw and the Mongolian draw.… … Wikipedia
Bow shape — In archery, the shape of the bow is usually taken to be the view from the side. It is the product of the complex relationship of material stresses, designed by a bowyer. This shape, viewing the limbs, is designed to take into account the… … Wikipedia
bow — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a a slip knot with a double loop. b a ribbon, shoelace, etc., tied with this. c a decoration (on clothing, or painted etc.) in the form of a bow. 2 a device for shooting arrows with a taut string joining the ends of a curved piece … Useful english dictionary
bow — {{11}}bow (n.1) weapon for shooting arrows, O.E. boga archery bow, arch, rainbow, from P.Gmc. *bugon (Cf. O.N. bogi, O.Fris. boga, Du. boog, Ger. Bogen bow; see BOW (Cf. bow) (v.)). The sense of a looped knot is from 1540s. The musician s bow… … Etymology dictionary
bow — bow1 [bəʊ] noun 1》 a knot tied with two loops and two loose ends. 2》 a weapon for shooting arrows, made of a curved piece of wood joined at both ends by a taut string. 3》 a partially curved rod with horsehair stretched along its length, used for… … English new terms dictionary
bow — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English būgan; akin to Old High German biogan to bend, Sanskrit bhujati he bends Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1. to cease from competition or resistance ; submit, yield < refusing to bow… … New Collegiate Dictionary
bow — Synonyms and related words: A string, Amati, Cremona, D string, E string, G string, S curve, Strad, Stradivari, Stradivarius, accost, address, angle, arc, arch, bass, bass viol, beak, bend, bend back, bend the knee, bend the neck, bend to,… … Moby Thesaurus
ring — Synonyms and related words: Bund, Chinese boxing, DDD, Kekule formula, O, Rochdale cooperative, affiliation, agora, alliance, amphitheater, anklet, annular muscle, annulet, annulus, anthelion, antisun, arena, areola, armlet, armory, assemblage,… … Moby Thesaurus
bow holey hoop — lankas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Senovinis rankinis kovos ir medžioklės ginklas strėlėms laidyti. Lanką sudaro tamprus sulenktas medžio strypas ir tarp strypo galų įtempta templė. Naudotas iki XVII a. atitikmenys: angl … Sporto terminų žodynas
bow holey hoop — lankas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Įrankis įvairiems fiziniams pratimams daryti – 80–90 cm skersmens, apie 900 g masės žiedas iš lengvo metalo arba plastiko. atitikmenys: angl. bow holey hoop; ring vok. Bogen, m rus. лук; … Sporto terminų žodynas